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Medicare Services

Learn about the different Medicare products and insurance companies I represent.   Plus, there are some educational videos for you to watch as well.  Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Medicare Products

There are a lot of people who think insurance agents should offer a lot of different products.  I guess I am a contrarian.  I believe it is important to stay focused on one thing.  That one thing for me is Medicare.  That is why I only offer three specific insurance products, which are all related to Medicare; Medicare supplements (Medigap plans), Medicare prescription drug plans (Part D), and Medicare Advantage plans (Part C).  If you select the Medicare Products button below, you will see more detailed information about these products.  

Medicare Eduction

As I stated on my Home page, Medicare education is a top priority.  Therefore, I have included some educational videos on my website that were created to help you get started.  If you click the Medicare Education button below, you will be taken to my educational section.  

Insurance Companies

I have to say that working as an insurance broker is a perfect fit for me.  As a broker, I have the opportunity to represent several different companies.  This means that I can show you more options without having to steer you toward a specific company.  I am fortunate to represent several of the large and well-known companies that offer Medicare insurance products. If you click on the Insurance Companies button below, you will be taken to a listing of the companies I represent.   Also, below is a disclaimer that I am required to put on my website.

CMS Required Disclaimer

"We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.”




Get My Book Today

When you need a plan for transitioning to Medicare and reducing stress.  This book hits the mark!