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Medicare Education

On this page you will see some basic educational videos regarding Original Medicare Parts A and B.  There are also videos about the different Medicare insurance products I represent (Medigap/Supplements, Part D/Prescription plans, and Medicare Advantage plans).   Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Original Medicare

It is vital that Medicare-eligible individuals have a basic understanding of Original Medicare.  The main reason is that eligibility and enrollment in Original Medicare is the foundation for enrolling in any additional Medicare insurance products.  You must be enrolled in Medicare A and B in order to enroll in Medicare supplements or Medicare Advantage plans.  The videos will provide you with a little more information regarding Original Medicare.  I hope you will take the time to view them.  

Medicare Supplements

Medicare supplements are terrific insurance products.  They provide individuals with flexibility for seeing different medical providers and reduce the out-of-pocket expenses for medical care.  However, there are additional monthly premiums to pay for this level of coverage.  The video provides more in-depth information regarding Medicare supplements.    


Prescription Drug Plans

For many individuals, prescription drug costs are the highest out-of-pocket expenses they will have each year when they transition to Medicare.  Therefore, selecting the right plan is important.  The video provides more in-depth education regarding Medicare Part D plans. 

Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare Advantage plans have become increasingly popular among Medicare beneficiaries.  Perhaps, it is the lower premiums or extra benefits such as dental and vision that are making a difference.  Over half of all Medicare beneficiaries are now enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans.  It is important to understand the different options when it comes time to enroll in Medicare.  In the video, I provide a more detailed look at Medicare Advantage plans.    

Get My Book Today

When you need a plan for transitioning to Medicare and reducing stress.  This book hits the mark!