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My Book, Podcast and Blog

Learn more about my current book, Medicare Stress Relief and my podcast.



Over the last ten years, I have spent a lot of time thinking about how to help individuals with Medicare.  I have always thought a book was a good idea, but not just any book about Medicare.  There are thousands of articles and booklets about Medicare published every year.  So, I thought to myself, why not write a book that would give individuals a plan for transitioning to Medicare and make this process less stressful.  That was the origin of my book, Medicare Stress Relief.  If you schedule a face-to-face appointment with me, I will be glad to give you a copy.


I started podcasting a few years ago.  Although I am no Walter Cronkite, I enjoy sharing information through this medium.  As you can imagine, this podcast is based on information from my book Medicare Stress Relief(I have not posted any new podcasts for a while now.  I am in the process of revising my book and will resume when that is completed.  Hopefully in May of 2025.)  

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