3 Methods for Enrolling in Medicare Upon Reaching the Age of 65: Online, in-person, over-the-phone.
1st Option-Online Enrollment (In my opinion-the easiest method)
If you are comfortable using the internet, it is a very simple process to sign up for Medicare benefits when you first turn sixty-five. The first step is to create a MySocialSecurity account through the Social Security Administration website (ssa.gov). The most difficult part of this is setting up your account and logging into your account. Once you have your account and can login, the enrollment process will take you about 10 minutes. However, if you are wanting to enroll in both parts of Original Medicare (A & B), make sure you answer yes to the question regarding Part B. If you do not answer yes to the question of whether you want to enroll in Part B, you will only be enrolled in Part A.
2cd Option-In-Person at the Local Social Security Office
Before Covid, it was common for individuals to enroll in Medicare at their local Social Security office. This can still be done. However, I would call to see if you need an appointment or if you can walk-in and wait. If you are able to walk-in, I recommend getting there early. You don't want to wait all day! I value in-person appointments. It can also make you feel more confident the application is being completed correctly.
3rd Option-Calling the National Social Security Department
Calling the National Social Security Department may be convenient in some respect, since you don't have to leave home. However, your wait time to get someone on the phone may be a little frustrating. If you chose to go this route, I encourage you to call early. The later in the morning or afternoon that you call will most likely increase your waiting time on the phone. The National Social Security number is 1-800-772-1213.
The action of signing up for Medicare is a simple process. However, understanding what parts of Medicare you need based on your current situation can become more complicated. If you want someone to walk you through the process, don't hesitate to call me at 256-791-2746. I will be glad to assist you through the process.